
New Director

As with many things during the pandemic, there have been some changes with the Mill Mountain Ringers. We have a couple of new ringers and we have a new director, Debra LeBrun. Joe Kennedy has retired from directing the group after 14 years. We appreciate all that he has done with this group and how far he has brought it since it’s founding in 2007! Thank you, Joe

! Our new director, Debra LeBrun, is the Director of Music and Worship at Raleigh Court United Methodist Church and has over 38 years of experience as a handbell ringer and director. She has held many positions in Handbell Musicians of America and has rung, directed and taught at many handbell festivals and events. She has also attended many International Handbell Symposiums and was selected to be part of the United States All-Star Choir in Liverpool, England. Debra performs as a solo ringer and really enjoys exploring all the musical possibilities of handbells. She is excited about directing the Mill Mountain Ringers!

Debra LeBrun

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